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 Bi Syndrome
 Frozen Shoulder
 Lin Syndrome
 Poor Memory
 Pulmonary TB
 Seminal Emission
 Sinus Problem
 Sore Throat
 Urine Retention
 Yu Syndrome







BL13  •  Fei Shu
Bladder Meridian
Liver Fire
Lung Qi Deficiency
Lung Yin Deficiency
Phlegm Retention
Click on the conditions above for a point prescription.
Lung Qi Deficiency
BL13 • Fei Shu
CV6 • Qi Hai
LU1 • Zhong Fu
LU9 • Tai Yuan
ST36 • Zu San Li
Click on the acupuncture points above for images of location and meridian.



Condition: Cough •  Lung Qi Deficiency
Treatment: Tonify Lung Qi, stop cough.
Description: Feeble cough and asthma aggravated after exertion, thin, clear sputum, spontaneous sweating, low energy, low voice, shortness of breath, pale face, pale tongue body with thin-white coating, feeble pulse.
Comment: Additional point ST40 for profuse sputum.

Point Selection:
BL13 • Fei Shu • On the upper back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra (T3).
Lung Shu. Back Shu of the Lung that connects with Front Mu LU1.
Explanation: Tonify and regulate Lung Qi to stop cough.

CV6 • Qi Hai • On the lower abdomen, on the anterior midline, 1.5 cun inferior to the umbilicus.
Sea of Qi. Front Mu Point for Sea of Qi that connects with Back Shu BL24.
Explanation: Tonify Qi, strengthen source of Qi.

LU1 • Zhong Fu • On the lateral chest, inferior to the acromial end of the clavicle, 6 cun lateral to the Conception Vessle.
CautionAvoid the Lungs!
Central Treasury. Front Mu Point of the Lung that connects with Back Shu BL13. Meeting Point on the Lung Channel with the Spleen Channel.
Explanation: Tonify and regulate Lung Qi to stop cough.

LU9 • Tai Yuan • On the lateral side of the anterior wrist crease, in the depression on the radial side of the radial artery.
Great Abyss. Shu Stream Point on the Lung Channel. Yaun Source Point on the Lung Channel. Earth Point on Metal Meridian.
Explanation: Tonify and regulate Lung Qi to stop cough.

ST36 • Zu San Li • On the leg, one finger breadth lateral to the tibia's anterior crest, 3 cun inferior to ST 35 in the depression to the lateral side of the patella.
Leg Three Li. He Sea Point on the Stomach Channel. Special Command Point for the Abdomen. Earth Point on the Earth Meridian.
Explanation: Tonify Qi, strengthen source of Qi.